Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Andres Agostini Times (

Security is a function of much more than military hardware or, for that matter, ... Security is a function of what we think of ourselves for one thing, ........ The first observation is that aviation security is a function of national security. This principle was a foundation of the Aviation and Transportation ........ security is a function of calendar time. This. is simply because we are always discovering. new threats and ways to “break in.”…… What we get out of Social Security is a function of what we put into it; putting more taxes into Social Security makes workers worse off and retirees better ........ The question of whether human security is compatible with state and regional security is a function of the interplay of the territoriality of nation states ........ Security is a function of people, process, and technology working in concert, but often the people aspect of security is ignored. ....... Security is a function of the network, and if you look at advanced technologies such as security, wireless, or IP communications, they sit on top of the ........ Today, job security is a function of maintaining and developing the skills and experience required by industry and applying those talents when and where ......... Security is a function of the asset we want to secure, what's it worth?....... Your job security is a function of your role, performance and reputation as opposed to the stature of your company. You have more control over your destiny…….Security is a function of your desirability as a target……From a business perspective, information security is a function of risk management. Using standard risk assessment techniques and formulas, ......... In turn administrative system security is a function of limiting user access according to an employee’s position-specific related duties and ........ Security is a function of reliability and recoverability, or resiliency…….``Aviation security is a function of national security and should be paid as such,''………This is important because security is a function of the structure of a system, not a feature that can be added on later anymore than you can provide ........ Oil security is a function of two factors—the likelihood of a supply disruption and the impact of a. disruption if it occurs……Security, including IT security, is a function of mental state and a management process. Technology is only a facilitator. If the top management does not ........ Computer security is a function of time and money. The more money that's at stake, the less viable any particular security system will prove to be…….With such a layered approach, the strength of security is a function of the length of the chain rather than it's weakest link…….Of course security is a function of the designer,……. Security is a function of the difficulty of disarming preventative devices rather than the seriousness of a device being triggered……..The appropriate amount to spend on security is a function of the value of your assets and the hostility of your environment…….In the end, security is a function of enterprise IT, not an embedded product feature. It involves people and processes, as well as technology………security is a function of the business environment and as such security professionals need to have a business first attitude about ........ While, security is a function of people, processes, and technology working hand-in-hand, oftentimes, the people aspect of security is disregarded……..Security is a function of a strong control environment - and accountability is one of its central themes. I am interested to hear how some of you have ........ SO, IF WE ACCEPT SECURITY IS A FUNCTION OF ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, PART OF A CONTINUUM, THEN WHAT ARE THE THREATS WE ARE PROTECTING OURSELVES FROM? VIRUSES ........ It is important to keep in mind that the degree of security is a function of an entire system, not just a single whiz-bang technology…..!!!!!!!!
Andres Agostini
(Icn Bin Singularitarian!)

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