Friday, July 27, 2007


"By using your hands or placing other unique everyday objects on the surface you can interact with, share and collaborate like you've never done before."Tom Gibbons from Microsoft's Productivity and Extended Consumer Experiences Group.


Andres Agostini (Ich Bin Singularitarian!)
Executive Associate for Global Markets

Arlington, Virginia, USA

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Andres Agostini Times (

Andres Agostini (Ich Bin Singularitarian!)
Executive Associate for Global Markets
Arlington, Virginia, USA
Project Management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources (i.e. .... The discipline of project management is about providing the tools and…….But that would be unfair as project management is not only about planning but ... Project management is all that mix of components of control, leadership, …..Project Management - [ Traduzca esta página ]Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific (and usually) one-time effort, for example, construct a building or ……future of the profession of project management is in the focus. ..... that project management is based on a theory of project and on a theory of management, ….. "eXtreme Project Management" is now live! read more……Project management is a philosophy and technique that enables its practitioners to perform to their maximum potential within the constraints of limited…..THINKING BEYOND LEAN: HOW MULTI PROJECT MANAGEMENT IS TRANSFORMING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AT TOYOTA ……Project management is a booming profession that is only going to get bigger in the ... Project management is becoming one of today’s fastest growing degree……In such an environment, a good axiom for project management is, Do It, Do It Right, Do It Right Now. Creating clear direction, efficiency, timely response,…..]A key component of successful project management is the ability to glean key learning’s from the experience throughout the lifecycle of the project, ..... However, the perception regarding project management is quickly changing. Companies now recognize that successfully managed projects increase productivity,……The Art of Project Management is relevant for any technical professional who becomes involved in any aspect of projects of any size…..CRITICAL CHAIN AND RISK MANAGEMENT - PROTECTING PROJECT VALUE FROM UNCERTAINTY -- Project management is the practice of turning uncertain events into ……Project Management is of fast growing importance to organisations because ... The University of Limerick, through the Centre for Project Management is the……Today's project management is less an arcane technical discipline than a set of ... Project management is simply guiding a project from inception to …….If ever there was proof needed that project management is a misunderstood role, you only have to look as far as prime time TV. In the last year or so,……Project management is a social problem. It is 99.5% about getting everyone who knows something about the state of the project to share what they know with……The Office of Management and Budget says its latest management watch and…….Project Management is growing by leaps and bounds to become one of the fastest growing professions and likely one right at the cutting edge of many …….Here is the main definition of what project management is: ... The role of the project manager in project management is one of great responsibility…….Project management is applicable in a wide range of business activities as it ... A Master of Science degree with an emphasis in project management is…….One consistent tension within project management is the extent to which a ... Project management is an essential way to keep discovery projects on track…….Good Project Management Is the Key to the Privatization Decision ... Sound project management is a two-way street. A project manager who is on top of the……project management is the ability to manage and share the company’s documents. This is achieved by removing certain core……Project management is a skill valued in every major industry. ... Project Management is a core or concentration option in the Management and Business Track…..If you're a fair idea of what project management is and want a fare .....The simple breakdown of the processes involved in project management is priceless!.......Project Management is a type of competence which is in great demand in ... The Master of Science degree in Project Management is an attempt by NTNU to …….Successful project management is better achieved by the intelligent application of sound ... 50% of project management is simply paying attention……The role of Project Management is to assist in turning uncertain events and ... Critical Chain-based project management is more than just Critical Chain……Project Management is an increasingly popular field among professionals who ... A nine-credit Advanced Certificate in Project Management is available for ……
Andres Agostini (Ich Bin Singularitarian!)
Executive Associate for Global Markets
Arlington, Virginia, USA

The Andres Agostini Times (


Andres Agostini (Ich Bin Singularitarian!)
Executive Associate for Global Markets
Arlington, Virginia, USA

Matrix management is a type of organizational management in which people with similar ... The disadvantage of matrix management is that employees can become…..Matrix management is not a metaphysical experience. Its profundity is…..Matrix management is a type of project organization that facilitates strategic ... The relevance of this definition to matrix management is that the matrix …..Matrix management is a type of management used by some organizations . Under matrix management, all people who do one type of work…..Matrix management is an inherently a stressful ... Matrix management is traditionally believed to ... The desirability of matrix management is perceived ….Matrix management is a process driven methodology that allows a collaborative ... Matrix management is the buy-in across the organization, top to bottom, ….Matrix Management: Is It Really Conflict Management. - [ Traduzca esta página ]This report provides the potential project manager with a basic knowledge of the key features of matrix management and a comprehensive understanding of one ……Matrix management is the interface of an organization both vertically and ... One of the biggest challenges to matrix management is getting "buy-in" from .....]Matrix management is typically viewed as the endpoint in a sequence of lateral ... Finally, researchers conjecture that matrix management is a transitional …..The new matrix management is not the same old technology that existed in the 70’s and 80’s for managing matrix organizations. The new matrix technology …..Matrix management is not a new concept. Since the 1970’s organizations have ... Managers like Mark Jones understand that matrix management is more than just …..Matrix Management Is Failing With Current Employee Performance Evaluation. A recent global research study from management consulting firm Business…..]The relevance of this definition to matrix management is that the matrix matters less than the ... Matrix management is not a metaphysical experience…..Matrix management is a type of project organization that facilitates strategic ... In this context, the dynamics of matrix management is also discussed….."The new matrix management is the management of an organization in more than one dimension..." …..Organisations end up with matrix management; Which leads to problems with resource allocation and responsibility for work; And matrix management is blamed ….. matrix management is described as maintenance of. suitable habitat at multiple spatial scales, ... themes relevant to matrix management is probably .....Matrix Management is probably the ideal form of organisation for dealing with ... You see, matrix management is a mindset first and an organisational form .....Matrix management is a type of project organization that facilitates strategic management. Matrix management structure allows for speedy procurement of ……Matrix management is a multi-dimensional management system that attempts to complete large projects, such as. National Programs, by organizing teams along…..Matrix management is traditionally believed to incur. higher management and administrative costs ... The desirability of matrix management is perceived ……Matrix Management Features Matrix management is a response to increasing com- ..... Nature of Matrix Matrix management is a way to bring conflict to the…… Matrix Management Structure and Development Matrix management is ... Finally, researchers conjecture that matrix management is a transitional ……Matrix management is not for everybody and requires careful planning. It violates some of the most “sacred cows” of organizational theory…..Matrix Management is Dead. This move corrects a problem that came out of the '70s and '80s where there was a belief that matrix organization would be the ……The relevance of this definition to matrix management is that the matrix matters less than the projects or multidisciplinary processes which emerge from ……Business Improvement Architects Shows Matrix Management is Failing With Current Employee Performance Evaluation from Business Wire in Business & Finance ……Understanding Matrix Management: Matrix management is a system based on…..Matrix management is a system of management based on two or more reporting systems, linked both to the vertical organisational hierarchy, and to horizontal ..... The key point is that matrix management is project-driven, not organizationally-driven. The benefits are both near-term and long-term…..Matrix management is based on two. key principles. The first is specialisation ... Matrix management is. managing the degree of integration……A key part of matrix management is the presence of team members empowered to make precise decisions with the ability to freeze the dialogue at ad hoc points……IRRI Management is fully aware that matrix management is a complex endeavor. In a world where financial resources, hence human resources, are unconstrained……Matrix management is a technique employed by many corporations in an attempt to better distribute the responsibility and authority for implementing its……The concept of matrix management is to make special talent available for more than one task. This creates a situation where the talented individual has more…..The goal of matrix management is to bring together the best expertise and ensure ... benefit of matrix management is that it improves coordination without……Often there is a mistaken belief that matrix management is the same as group decision making, and there are tendencies toward anarchy and power struggles…...I am building a training presentation on what Matrix management is…..Matrix management is one strategy used by top industry leaders in response to developments such as globalization, the intensification of competition,…..Matrix management is not a new concept. Since the 1970’s organizations have known that there was a need to find new ways of handling the…..Army Program Management System Integration: Structuring for……]The key to successful matrix management is a cohesive program office with close ties to the PM and to the user. Through responsible managers and employees……Matrix management is an organizational structure that gives one person two or more bosses. Technical. communicators may be in a formal or informal matrix……Matrix management is also exposed as not being a great idea for software developers. The author also points out how the overly busy organization is often……Matrix management is a "mixed" organizational form in which normal hierarchy is "overlayed" by some form of lateral authority, influence or communication……Second, instead of just measuring the extent to which matrix management is occurring, we need to assess how well it is working……reserves is essentially applied island biogeography theory per Diamond, 1975a), while its relationship to matrix management is less direct (focusing on…..In academic jargon "matrix management" is in vogue. Matrix management is the administrative equivalent of the tactical task force. A separate activity would…..Matrix management is not new to the Navy. It’s when resources and organization is aligned by program as opposed to a formal chain of command structure……It is a mistaken belief that matrix management is the same as group decision-making; ... Another important factor in designing a matrix management is that,…..matrix direction (английский -> русский translation glossary ...Matrix management is a type of management used by some large organizations. Large projects are organized with teams that work on a functional, rather than a…..Since matrix management is so difficult. to. work with, what are the reasons for using it? Matrix is the preferred. structural choice when all three of the……Not Magic, Strategic Futures Matrix Management is an organizational model organizing teams in the functional elements of an organization…….As we now know, matrix management is the hardest form of project organization for the project manager to lead and manage in, and requires real discipline in……A potential weakness of matrix management is that often no one is really in charge because responsibilities are dispersed among a number of organizations……Another feature of matrix management is quoted as follows:. *The identifying feature of a matrix organization is that some managers/staff……Matrix Management is the management of an organization in two dimensions: vertical and horizontal. The vertical dimension includes the traditional authority……CONCLUSION: The Lone Ranger days are over and MATRIX Management is in. MATRIX MANAGEMENT ... 1) The client using MATRIX MANAGEMENT is best served……What are your thoughts on matrix management? Is this old fad of management style regained it's popularity??? Anyone living it? ..... Matrix management is a technique of managing an organization (or, more commonly, part of an organization) through a series of dual-reporting relationships …..Matrix management is the buzz today in the corporate world but understanding the concepts that make the matrix system function can be less than clear…….Matrix Management is seen by staff as completely irrelevant. ... Top heavy with management - very bureaucratic and Matrix Management is a joke and ……industry, rather the degree of utilization of matrix management is depen- .... Matrix management is difficult and complex. It does test the adaptabil- ……The most frustrating part of “matrix management” is that it often becomes the easy scapegoat for poor performance. We would have done better but the…..Making matrix management work Matrix management is a controversial concept. Some people have had. bad experiences operating in a matrix…….suggested Matrix Management (Matrix management is a descriptive term for the management environment where projects cut across organizational…..Matrix Management is a cooperative approach to managing programs that span across two or more ... The Goal of matrix management is to improve …….Matrix Management is the Administrative Contact for the contested domain name, with someone being its registrant, with both having the same address in……Matrix Management is not a new concept; it has been a fixture in the private sector for 20 years or more. It is a flexible way to structure and execute ...

Andres Agostini (Ich Bin Singularitarian!)
Executive Associate for Global Markets
Arlington, Virginia, USA

The Andres Agostini Times (

Risk Management Glossary (brief)

(All definitions from Australian/New Zealand Standard for Risk Management AS/NZS 4360:1999)

ConsequenceThe outcome of an event expressed qualitatively or quantitatively, being a loss, injury, disadvantage or gain. There may be a range of possible outcomes associated with an event.

Cost. Cost of activities, both direct and indirect, involving any negative impact, including money, time, labour, disruption, goodwill, political and intangible losses.

Event. An incident or situation, which occurs in a particular place during a particular interval of time.

Frequency. A measure of the rate of occurrence of an event expressed as the number of occurrences of an event in a given time.

Hazard. A source of potential hard or a situation with a potential to cause loss.

Likelihood. Used as a qualitative description of probability or frequency.

Loss. Any negative consequences, financial or otherwise.

Monitor. To check, supervise, observe critically, or record the progress of an activity, action or system on a regular basis in order to identify change.

Probability. The likelihood of a specific event or outcome, measured by the ratio of specific events or outcomes to the total number of possible events or outcomes.

Risk. The chance of something happening that will have an impact upon objectives. It is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood.

Risk acceptance. An informed decision to accept the consequences and the likelihood of a particular risk.

Risk analysis. A systematic use of available information to determine how often specified events may occur and the magnitude of their consequences.

Risk assessment. The overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation.

Risk avoidance. An informed decision not to become involved in a risk situation.

Risk control. That part of risk management which involves the implementation of policies, standards, procedures and physical changes to eliminate or minimise adverse risks.

Risk evaluation. The process used to determine risk management priorities by comparing the level of risk against predetermined standards, target risk levels or other criteria.

Risk management. The culture, processes and structures that are directed towards the effective management of potential opportunities and adverse effects.

Risk management process. The systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of establishing the context, identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating risk.

Risk retention. Intentionally or unintentionally retaining the responsibility for loss, or financial burden of loss within the organisation.

Risk transfer. Shifting the responsibility or burden for loss to another party through legislation, contract, insurance or other means. Risk transfer can also refer to shifting a physical risk or part thereof elsewhere.

Risk treatment. Selection and implementation of appropriate options for dealing with risk.

Stakeholders. Those people and organisations who may affect, by affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by, a decision or activity.

Andres Agostini (Ich Bin Singularitarian!)
Executive Associate for Global Markets
Arlington, Virginia, USA

Friday, June 8, 2007

The Andres Agostini Times (

The Technological Singularity!!!. The technological singularity is a future event where humanity will get a lot of power from scientific and technological breakthroughs. This exaggerate amount of power will make us better and will give us a better comprehension of who we are. The trend of technological growing is exponential-like. The predictions are based on the law of accelerating returns. That is, once we develop new technologies, these technologies will serve to develop new and better technologies, and so on. According to many scientists and futurists, technological singularity is supposed to arrive on 2050. Will humanity control and benefit from the power that science and technology will give us or this power will control us or maybe destroy everything? That is a hot ethical debate to analyze. There are so many benefits and dangerous risks too. Singularity has many controversial ethical connotations that will be analyzed here. Genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR) are the three intertwined sciences that will lead us to the singularity. Each year, billions of dollars are invested in GNR. Many advances are planned to come in 5, 10, 20, and 40 years. Scientists are now making the future. Some computer scientists have calculated that the maximum computational power (MCP) of a piece of matter with mass M (in kilograms) is: MCP=4.75 x 1050 x M [cps] (in calculations per second). The coefficient of this formula is pi times the speed of light squared (a very large number) divided by the Planck's constant (a very little number). Some neuroscientists have conservatively calculated that the human brain capacity is 1019 [cps]. The adult mass of the human brain is about 1.35 Kg. So, the maximum computational power for a piece of matter with the same mass of a human brain is 6.41 x 1050 [cps]. It can be inferred that this piece of matter could be 6.41 x 1031 times more powerful than the human brain. With that computational capacity, all the human thought during the last 10 thousand years can be emulated in just 1 second. What could happen if it is used more matter? One of the most important steps to achieve the singularity is the reverse engineering of the brain. That is a Herculean task that will allow us to develop the strong artificial intelligence. Once strong A.I. is created, it will help us to comprehend the most elusive mysteries of the universe and even to create new life because strong A.I. will be trillions of times greater than the entire human race. Living things are the most complex systems in the universe, but at the same time, these systems are simple: the complete human genome has been characterized by using 4 letters and it occupies less than 1 gigabyte of storage. This gigabyte can even be compressed. So, the information necessary to reconstruct a human like you could be stored in a pen drive. One of the most powerful and versatile technologies in the singularity will be the use of nanobots. There will be tiny but massive nanofactories creating trillions of nanobots everyday. These nanobots will be organizing the matter atom by atom in order to create intelligent materials. Nanotech will construct real objects in the same manner the printer makes books. If the invention of the printer was astonishing, because books were available to everybody; just imagine the advent of nanotech where everything could be created just by organizing atoms at a very low price. The intellectual property will be a hot issue since everything (even you) could be replicated from information stored in a computer. Nanobots will even enter in your bloodstream and will cure all the diseases and body malfunctions. 99% of the health problems will be overcome. Radical life extension will be a reality after circa 2050. Nanobots will replace every delicate and inefficient cell in our bodies. Death will be an option but some mystics will prefer to die because, according to their beliefs, death gives meaning to their lives and it is the beginning of the afterlife. Neuroscience has overwhelmingly demonstrated that the afterlife is the most famous human invention and that the soul and the mind are the same thing and it cannot exist without a functioning brain. In the world, there are no prestigious neuroscientists who believe in the afterlife. Nanobots will even permeate the blood brain barrier and will add more intelligence to our brains. This non-biological part of our brains will be billions of times greater than our current capacity. Nanobots will recreate vivid experiences and brain images like feelings, scents, tastes, touching, hearing and visions. We could even have wireless connections with other brains and with super entities in order to share knowledge. Fully immersion virtual reality will fool our sensations and will make us experiment situations that are improbable, impossible, desirable, exciting, and charged of knowledge that cannot be understood with our current minds. Brain extensions are now a reality. Neural implants for Parkinson's disease makes a dramatic change in patients who suffer from that illness. If the implant is turned off, their hands start shaking. And they stop shaking when the implant is turned on. Cochlear neural implants are now projecting auditory information to the temporal lobe in order to make deaf people hear. It is really amazing to observe the brain's neuroplasticity that can even adapt to the electronic signal of those implants. Electroencephalographic readings of the motor cortex are now used to control prosthetic limbs. Many U.S. soldiers who were injured in the Irak conflict are using these artificial limbs. There are attempts to emulate the sight: electronic visual projections to the V1 area. But the patients reported that they can only see blur images. One form of immortality will be attained by brain uploading and downloading. The technology to scan the brain activity and topology will be perfected and will serve to download a replica of the brain. Since the supercomputers of the future will exceed our brain capacity, the computer will run a simulation or a virtual personality who will claim to be conscious. By using neural nanobots, they will reconstruct the neural pathways to represent the knowledge acquired by somebody else. That will be called brain downloading. The reconstruction could be performed in a biological brain or in a non-biological brain. The last one will be better since it will have more computational capacity. Genetics, with a complete understanding of life sciences, will be creating new kinds of life and perfecting the ones we know. For example, muscle cells from one animal will be grown in large scales to supply meat to us. No animal suffering will exist anymore. Nanotechnology, with trillions of nanobots in each nanofactory, will be constantly constructing whatever you want for example: metals, biological wood, stones, plastic, oil, or even intelligent materials. Robotics, with strong A.I.s and ubiquitous computing, will be controlling everything and constantly innovating. Robots will be our most careful servants: even better than our right hands. The end of poverty, money, and world hunger will be inevitable. Everything will be fairer and all the world problems will be solved. But maybe new kinds of problems will emerge. I hope not. Singularity is described by some authors as the deepest art, the most beautiful science, and the most powerful technology. Some others don't agree and they say that singularity will destroy the world. The technological singularity is named after the physics' singularity, that is, the black hole. Inside a black hole, all the known physics laws break down and nobody can predict what happen there with precision. In the same manner, after the advent of the singularity, nobody can predict what would happen next. The more complex a system is the more unpredictable it becomes. Solar energy is the source of almost all the energy in our planet. Oil, winds, water movements, temperature changes, weather, plants, and animals are in some manner created, derived or affected by sun light. So, the best way to obtain energy in the future will be to create nano solar panels that will efficiently transform solar energy into electricity. Our best solar panels today have an efficiency of 3%, whereas nano solar panels' will be more than 30%. Many scientists say that if we capture and transform the 0.3% of all the sun light that hits the Earth in one day, this percentage will cover and exceed the energy demand of the entire human race for that day in the future. However, 3 existential risks will be present for the human race: nuclear bombs, nano-particle contamination (gray goo), and pathological strong A.I.s. The only thing we can do to protect ourselves is to be cautious. What-if scenarios and virtual models will be indispensable to assess the impact of each and every technology that is supposed to be launched to the public. Although, terrorism and mad scientists will be present in the future, so we will have to be aware of them. When creating strong A.I.s, it is strongly necessary to program them with good and hardwired values and principles like biodiversity, tolerance, freedom, peace, and organization. The market acceptance is another way to regulate the new technological products. But I think that too much regulation will only prevent the development of good technologies that will bring a lot of satisfaction and will stop the suffering of many people. I think the main concern in the future will be to acquire more knowledge. Traditional forms of power will be purposeless since we will live forever, with lives full of satisfactions, with an extreme abundance, and in a more controlled and supervised world where everything will be fairer and more civilized. The origin of evil will be completely understood (neurological causes) and every conflict will be solved by negotiation. The human race will not be precariously exposed anymore to comets, collision of galaxies, and the lure of the dumb natural forces because the human intelligence will be expanding at the speed of light throughout the rest of the Universe. All the efforts will be focus on circumventing the light speed limit. A complete knowledge of the wormholes could be a solution to overcome this problem. Circa 2100, pico-technology will be a reality and it will bring the possibility of transforming this dumb Universe into a conscious Universe. This does sound crazy right now. But, with the technological tools of the future, it could be possible. Remember the law of the accelerating returns.

Monday, June 4, 2007

The Andres Agostini Times! (Ich Bin Singularitarian!) - Arlington, Virginia, USA















Andres Agostini
Executive Associate for Global Markets
Arlington, Virginia, USA

The Andres Agostini Times! (Ich Bin Singularitarian!) - Arlington, Virginia, USA


Moral responsibility in corporate medical management is a function of the exercise of authority over different aspects of the medical decision making ...... management is a function of hazards mitigation and vulnerability reduction. This is a very simple understanding for people in disaster studies……Effective management is a function of developing proper individual or team performance measures and then monitoring those ....... Natural resource management is a function of managing County parks, reserves, and recreation areas. The Department of Parks and Recreation has developed and ....... Emergency management is a function of the department as well. This is a co-managed function of both the City of Kearney and Buffalo County……Management is a function of position, while leadership is a function of skill. Some of the most effective leaders I meet and observe in my work have no ....... GOOD STRATEGIC LEARNING MANAGEMENT IS A FUNCTION OF HOW WELL PREPARED THE COMPANY'S PSYCHE IS IN PRO-ACTIVELY BLENDING THE MASSIVE CHANGES TAKING PLACE IN ....... risk management is a function of impact management. Define project support function…….Management is a function of planning, organizing, controlling leading, and staffing. Management is function of activities and ........ Management is a function of every stakeholder in an oganisation. If all this "management" is working towards well defined and appropriate objectives then it ....... Money management is a function of determining how much of your account to risk...on any given trade or for that matter, any given strategy…..Crisis management is a function of all public, private and non-profit organizations, supporting their fundamental strategic objective of ensuring ....... Public Sector Financial Management is a function of the Department of Treasury and Finance and Budget Management is one of its activities……that ecological pest management is a function of “many little hammers, but no silver bullet.”……. management is a function of the socio-economic factors;….. management is a function of the quality and consistency of routine operations……It is recognised that people management is a function of partners and managers, no matter how senior they might be. Psychological profiling can help firms……SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION, AND, THEREFORE, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IS A FUNCTION OF SOCIAL STRUCTURE.THE TOOL IS CALLED SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS……the management is a function of the management’s forecast and actual aggregate demand of the next period……Collateral management is a function of ever-growing. importance to the futures industry. With operating margins. coming under increasing scrutiny,….. Introduction to crisis management as it is applied in public, private, and non-profit organizations; crisis management is a function of all organizations ……advancement and participation in project management is a function of the type of organizational culture which has traditionally…..Discusses how strategic management is a function of the cognitive, experiential and informational skills of the manager…….Request For Proposal management is a function of creating a detailed and concise document…….Nursing management is a function of the personnel department of a business. It deals with a system in high tension, with a network of interrelated ....... The proportionality of the two chosen by management is a function of values, acumen, environment, and situation. How do purchasing professionals reach some ....... Budget management is a function of the chair that requires teamwork with individuals both inside and outside the department…….The cost of memory management is a function of the allocation cost of memory associated with an instance of a type, the cost of managing that memory over ....... Management is a function of position and authority, leadership is not dependent on either, but is a function of personality……Therefore, disaster risk management is a function of hazards mitigation and vulnerability reduction…….Today in team-based knowledge-centric enterprises, management is a function of consensus building, motivating employees and convincing others……Crisis management is a function of anticipation and planning before the crisis occurs. ¨ Client information. Information about clients that should be shared ....... advertising management is a function of marketing starting from market research continuing through advertising leading to actual sales or achievement of ....... Inventory Management is a function of central importance in manufacturing control. It is an evolving discipline which encompasses the principles, ....... Knowledge management is a function of the generation and dissemination of information, developing a shared understanding of the information, ........ Today crisis management is a function of information management. Respond! aims at improving emergency management communication and enlarging the knowledge ......... time management is a function of how we manage the passing of time, we have little control over the situation…….The effectiveness of the application to stormwater management is a function of the hydraulic design of the bioretention system…….management is a function of the difference between the benefit received from management and that which can be acquired from alternative outcome ....... Contract management is a function of both project management and financial management. The functions of contract……Territory management, like time management, is a function of many attitudes, habits, values, skills and beliefs. It is also a function of: ....... Vegetation treatment and management is a function of site Development Scale – development scale will determine the intensity of treatment activities, etc. ....... The ability to self-manage is a function of individual differences and. is, therefore, dependent upon many variables, including specific biological,…… How you manage is a function of your personality. Two extremes:. Too much management. Too little management…...

By Andres Agostini

Ich Bin Singularitarian!

The Andres Agostini Times! (Ich Bin Singularitarian!) - Arlington, Virginia, USA


“supercomputers [as of 1999] match at least the hardware capacity of the human brain….the computational capacity of a $ 4,0000 computing device (in 1999 dollars) is approximately equal to the computational capability of the human brain (20 million billion calculations per second)….[that is to say, 20,000,000,000,000,000,000 calculations per second]…..”

Source: ISBN 0-670-88217-8.
Andres Agostini
Executive Associate for Global Markets
Arlington, Virginia, USA.
PS: If there is no threat from the outter space--for instance and among others--, Who will stop the Socio-Technological Singularity? QUESTION: Who is ready to optimally manage risks beyond the boldest deams/nightmares? Are you working at it?

The Andres Agostini Times! (Ich Bin Singularitarian!)

Success Laws by Andres Agostini (Metaphors for Management & Business). Plus other reflections.

SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 26 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Don'tworry about being surprised by the unexpectable. Just carry on expecting the unexpectable, regardless of the implicated chaos. Create instability as the essence of your strategy. Keep in mind: a more volatile external environment requires a less stable internal world. Seek out substitutes and opportunities to increase productivity by measuring the mass used in your business today, and getting it to decrease every year. Respond with more rapid and varied adaptation.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 27 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Conduct thousands of tests of products, prices, features, packages, marketing channels, credit policies, account management, customer service, collections, and retention. Make informed but subjective judgments. Push ahead before the competition could catch up. Seize the opportunity--even when not really prepared.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 28 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Empower talented people. Accelerate talented people very quickly, because that's where you get the value. Place bets on future values. Cross boundaries, change jobs, and form new teams to meet evolving needs. Align with the business. Use good economic judgment. Be flexible. And be empathetic to your colleagues. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 29 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)It's okay to break the rules in the right way. Going around doing randomly disconnected things. Develop all the peripheral relationships you need to be effective organizationally. Manage the connections rather than the structure. Also know how to hybridize.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 30 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Reach out to others with corresponding roles across the organization to learn and share ideas. Move around and support your colleagues when needed. Enable innovation by bringing DIVERSE elements together. Without these kinds of connections, DIVERSITY has little inherent value.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 31 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Empower others and yourself by the whole chaotic percolation of ideas at the bottom of the organization. Bear in mind: Empirical evidence, based on small tests, always carried the day. Attract very bright people with initial proof of concept, then plug them into your organizational structure.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 32 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Maintain common interfaces and cross-functional capabilities that allow work to flow and value chains to talk to teach other. Harvest the idea, then propagate it wildly before the mimicry of competition sets in.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 33 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Employ diversification to spread their risks. Be willing to take the risk of shaping the future according to your own design. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, but don put all your eggs in one basket. Beware of this: Discontinuities, irregularities, and volatilities seem to be proliferating. Remember: Without risks, life poses no mystery.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 34 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Seed, select, amplify, and destabilize the situation are the two management ideas for accelerated evolution. Don'texpect a perfect feedback system in a volatile environment. Don?t be excellent at doing; be excellent at changing, too. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 35 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Explore the extremes, where nonlinear effects kick in. Sometimes, the extremes contain pleasant, nonlinear surprises. Imagine things that engender loyalty towards your organization. Through experimentation with detailed measurements and discipline and logical analysis, you find profitable innovations.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 36 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Test things at the bottom of the organization that lead to big insights. Test, experiment, measure, and optimize. Institute hard-core analytic optimization. Architect your entire infrastructure to operate in real time. Let your account-management programs to be driven by experimentation.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 37 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Dream up programs that might be of value to customers, and then test them. A successful test often triggers other behaviors, and you should follow these with more new offers. Shift to roll-out, because ah of a sudden your competition get a preponderance of one product of my organization that they've never seen before.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 38 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Have a free flow of resources to where the value is. Rather than penalizing people who fail, praise them for their commitment and intentions. Reinforce the tolerance of risk and failure. Revise your best practices. Observe, orient, decide, act. First to fight now means first to learn.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 39 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Fly great distances, meet new people, and encounter new ideas. Have a freedom of thought, the passion for experimentation, and the desire to imagine your future. Believe in not commonly believed opinions.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 40 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)It's about getting more from less. That's the true road to wealth. Focus on changes, challenges, and opportunities. Earn more while spending less. Reach a higher level of output. Pursue profit maximization. Remain competitive. Adapt to revolutionary innovations in technology and business efficiency the soonest. Craft value creating relationships. Establish guidelines, offer insight, and provide inspiration. Identify, analyze, and maximize your learning opportunities.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 42 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Evaluate, identify, select, negotiate, manage, turn around, govern, implement, anticipate, and ensure success. Generate immediate cost savings. Realize a cash infusion from the sale of assets. Relieve the burden of staffing. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 43 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Be freer to direct your attention to the more strategic aspects of your job. Keep your logic compelling. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 44 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners) Destabilize in order to live closer to the edge of chaos. This means being agile enough to change as the environment does, but not so fluid as to lose its defining structure. Walk the walk as well as talking the talk of the Adaptive(Business) Enterprise. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 45 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)A lesson: The word adaptation describes the interaction between an organism and its environment. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 46 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)TO BEAR IN MIND! But one thing an evolutionary and ecological perspective tells us for sure: If several major forces are at work, they will not progress in separate straight lines --they will interact chaotically, creating unforeseen changes. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 47 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Be willing to adapt very quickly, to pounce on an opportunity when you see it, to change the organization, to think about new developments, and to be always very open to any change in any direction.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 48 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)You have to be the equivalent of selective forces in nature, which calls for a willingness to let people in the organization to explore, to flourish and develop.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 49 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Separate to promote independence, selfish thinking, and local solutions. Learn from each other?s mistakes and successes, and you'lll get better and be able to operate at a much more accelerated pace, based upon the knowledge that has been transferred. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 50 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Get your organization into a massive amount of knowledge and experience that creates a great breeding stock for subsequent ventures. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 51 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Explore continually evolving technology and applications, while also creating different units to exploit commercial opportunities not always closely related to the founding capabilities. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 52 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners) Replenish customers on demand. Take the client as an agent, and create an agent-based point of view. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 77 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Seek the hidden. De-learn the learned. Make the covert overt. Implement ipso facto. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 78 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)De-peril your risks. Empower your financial risks to work for you. Hire them; get resigned from your bricks-and-mortars (a future not plausible).SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 79 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Plan, lead, and manage. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 80 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Understand your business depth today. Develop better ways to service your enterprise in the future. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 81 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners) Before "outsourcing," NOW "Worldwide Sourcing' or "Competitive Sourcing. “SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 82 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Have fewer staff and run a lean operation. Favor those who leverage third-party relationships that don't tie up capital and consume resources. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 83 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Strategically enhance your organization's core competencies. Address any outstanding issue with your employees, unions, and the community. Find the lowest total cost or best value. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 84 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Recognize impact on internal operations. Capture the big picture. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 85 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Track benefits, realize quick wins, and motivate critical stakeholders to remain committed. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 86 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Early anticipation of changes can drastically reduce the time and cost of addressing them. Seek the quick win(that long forgotten in an ignored --but mission-critical-- flank).SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 87 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Research assiduously which of the available external market capabilities fit best with your strategic objectives. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 88 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Articulate these management principles more precisely, implement them more systematically, and rely less on the intuition of a few gifted leaders. Don't write strategy, GROW IT. Don't think in terms of maximizing your share of the market but of maximizing your share of experience. Build an innovation laboratory capable of creating a steady stream of the new ideas to stay ahead of the competition. SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 89 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Differentiate or die. Be mindful that improvisation is too important to be left to the fortuitous. Consider that life is sustainable through the unperceived and those universal laws that are unknown to us. Continuity is over-dead; it hasn't yet reincarnated. History will be reshaped by the sudden and sharp change, namely "frenzy volatility.” SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 90 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Launch your employees with confidence into a somewhat chaotic environment, knowing that they will direct themselves toward optimal performance to success. Instill in the staff a loose, self-organizing culture--in search of new opportunities. Motivate and develop others to learn to change to prevail.
Andres Agostini
(Ich Bin Singularitarian!)

Business / Management Blogging (Andres Agostini's extracts).

FORMAL BLOGGING ON MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESSQUESTIONING THE VALUE OF ?VAST?September 4, 2005 05:36 PMI really endorse the idea of a shift towards self-sufficiency, sustainability, and a more holistic lifestyle in general. I am fully aware of business (economies) life cycles; what is born will die (clearly, unless biotechnology and nanotechnology get it its way). What worries me the most is the lack of greater (formal and informal) ?private and systems of solidarities? (e.g. insurers, re-insurers). They cannot pay for an incurred ?loss? if there are not (i) Capitalistic firms (frictionless-ly) and (ii) if Solidarity is not brought into action (pragmatic solidarity to make the core business get the ?financials? soundly). I really support these values. How do WE, as an example, build infrastructures (tangible and intangible ones) for almost 7 billon demanding souls? Here?s, to me, the ?catch.? Maybe a ?Catch 22.? I believe we must apply the best of values, the highest of ethics, but we also need that the developing world to get entrepreneurially rolling to have the ?purchasing empowerment? to interrelate with the rest of the ?already-spinning? world. Otherwise, and truly respecting everyone?s POVs, I don?t know how we will get it right. YOU CAN BUY ?MATERIAL THINGS? AND AT THE SAME TIME YOU MUST (NOTE THE WORDS ?YOU MUST?) ENRICH YOURSELF INTELLECTUALLY AND SPIRITUALLY. Evidently, just buying ?stuff,? without the CONCURRENTLY ENHANCEMENT OF THE INTELLECT AND THE SPIRIT, WILL BREED ?-NOT SO METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING?- ?BRAINLESS CONSUMERS.? This must change. It?s absolutely necessary for most everyone to get ?advanced risk management? empowerment. You may have the idea (US$1) and the plan (US$ 1 MN), but you have to have the risk management capabilities plus the entrepreneurial ability (US$ 1 BN). It?s not only because the ?ups and downs? of global economy; also because of those ?ups and downs? from global climate, global ecosystems, global politics, global societies that rest on the pervasive concerns (?life/death? environments) of the ?un-incorporated.? To ?reimagine? is not to get stalled; it is about getting better and better at manufacturing (tangibles and intangibles) and simultaneously becoming aware about how to get/provide the preconditions (the fittest possible framework) for others to responsibly take part in the ?better sides? of globalization with sustainability and adaptability. Any betterment of the mind and the spirit WITHOUT WORLDWIDE SOLLDARITY WILL PRECLUDE THE VIABILLTY OF THIS CIVILLZATION.Posted by Andres Agostini at September 4, 2005 05:36 PMMBWA REDUXSeptember 10, 2005 10:39 AMYes, there is an unbearable problem with the lack of MBWA (Managing By Wandering Around) implementation. Corporations and academies ?tooled? the minds of workers and students, respectively, from the ?abstract? and in accordance with a Jurassic common sense. I see many CEOs lost in their ?systems of beliefs and values? (?). The tsunami of technological and societal change ?seemingly? ¡s way too much for them, not to mention the transformations stemming from the environment, among others. They are ?grabbing the past? (missing the present and hence the future) as they un-heartedly reiterate everywhere: ?...think in the entrepreneurial...?Many of these ?past grabbers? (PGs) do a great deal of ?slogan preaching? about the importance they consider the ?intellectual capital? has, but, in actuality, DO THEY REALLY CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE? Very few do, most don?t. Absolutely everyone must walk the ?freelance? pathway. PGs are too busy understanding the hearing-impairing noise from the ?swirl of change,? similar to an ongoing Cambrian Explosion. They just don?t get it and there is not much time to explain it thoroughly.As it has been said, WILL YOU PAUSE WHILE CHINA, INDIA, RUSSIA (PROBABLY) AND OTHERS ARE 100% OVER ACTIVE? They all want to ?conquer? the global economy as some ill-theoreticians (PGs) fail to take into account NOW the thinkable and the unthinkable at the same time (simultaneously). You can manage ?Mean and Lean,? but you can never ?underplay? the legitimate expectations of your ?team.? Yes, that ?team? which represents the ?boat that most everyone has to board? and with said «sprit de corps». Say what? What team? What team work? What «sprit de corps»? Then, many of these ?past grabbers? (PGs) lacks ethics and values (not the recursive search for ?unprecedented profits,? namely ?economic value?). Lack of ethics and values, with absence of MBWA (to name one), can disrupt a whole civilization. If to this we add, ?I don?t care about the fate of my employees, associates or clients...,? the volume of the ?noise? will go beyond the most creative imagination.It?s difficult. Most everyone (not to say everybody) has to be his/her own ?employer and employee.? Extremely difficult, but never impossible. If the ?past grabbers? (PGs) are ruling out their ?intellectual capital? constituency (brainy workforce), they will commit a bigger crime by and against themselves. As damage is self-inflected onto themselves by these ?evangelizers of the alleged entrepreneurial spirit,? the over-dynamics of the ?RISING ECONOMIES? will not stop, in fact it might even get much more accelerated. This is the real deal. What is the name of the game? RESPONSE: ?Zero-sum frame of reference, collectively put in action in the battlefield.? I wonder, What do they mean to ?gain? for themselves? It?s a sine qua non to de-flaw the flawed immediately. In the mean time (yoctosecond to yoctosecond), the managerial ?revolt? of ideas will come from the ?bottom-up? into a more horizontal, HIGHLY AMORPHOUS, BLURRED framework.The Web, on the other side, offers nearly unlimited opportunities to access contacts and knowledge, hopefully business as well. I have the hypothesis that, because of the GREATER CONNECTIVITY AND INTERACTIVITY we now have, the optimum will be amplified into the best, as the flawed will be amplified into the worst. I would imagine that the most convenient for everyone?s best interest is to leverage his / her ?personal capital? (education, training, business relationships) via the Internet to the utmost. In addition, imagination and creativity ? in all fields of knowledge? have never been as vital to each and every one of us as in the current times. I am not sure if the type of imagination and creativity required NOW by business and management has any past precedent. The term ?precedent? will have to be, by the way, redefined. We need badly a brand-new word.WHAT TO DO (ATTEMPT)? One just might: (i) Create intuitively, (u) Create insightfully (intuitively + discerningly), (iii) Create counter-intuitively, (iv) Create based on forward-thinking, (y) Create based on go-against thinking, (vi) Scan around without intent, (vii) Diversify his / her curiosity, and (viii) Merge the seven practices aforementioned. Practice serendipity à la new millennium. Create pre-conditions to exacerbate your serendipitous practices to fall into a zone of a not yet identified knowledge (perhaps, a ?breakthrough?). Meeting the unknown is finding new knowledge in due time in a flank not under our watch (yet). We need to pay attention, both to small changes and their patterns as well as to trends. One needs to become SPECIALIST IN GENERALLTY, another expression for ?grasping? and ?commanding? the interdisciplinary (hidden) aspects of business within a cross-functional, multidimensional mindset and a restless spirit. Be rampantly creative. Search to learn the un-learnable. A place to pick up ?at least? an invaluable ?piece of knowledge.? Iterate the learning and the picking up.One will need to go from being a pragmatic Re-imaginelogist to a practical Re-imaginengineer (a Re-imagine activist). One will need to literally love ambiguity. Resist and resist; adapt, adapt, and re-adapt, FOREVER. Raise the ante. Get the lucrative risk. De-peril the dangers. Up the ?gaining facet? (upside). Outsource the hazardous dimension (downside). WHAT TO DO WITH ONE?S CURIOSITY? RESPONSE: ASCERTAIN YOU?RE THE MOST CURIOUS PERSON IN YOUR BUSINESS. Speaking of curiosity and as per Stephen Hawking (may wish to bear this in me), ?My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.? Let?s not forget about MBWA.Posted by Andres Agostini at September 10, 2005 10:39 AMLEADERSHIP?September 11, 2005 06:56 PMA dexterous leader knows how to converse with the team through his style, his voice, and his manner. Additionally, he communicates nonverbally what he believes and how he lives. Both capability and personality are evident. Consequently, he makes achievement easy for others. Under his oversight, the members of the team can bring together and combine their efforts. ?Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.? ?Peter F. DruckerNowadays complexities require of a set of very unique attributes. I call the empowered with these attributes ?TransLeader.? The forthcoming is Part 2. I will here venture some ideas, principles or tenets or prcepts (label it as you wish) that a corporate manager (leadership exerciser) may wish to consider. These are ideas to be applied by business settings (here ?creative tension? has been invited to exercise maximum mind expansion). Between one idea and the other, the reader is the only one who makes the connection. Some of them is to be understood metaphorically ones, others are literarily. NOTA BENE: This is a call for business imagination. As follows:SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 26 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Don?t worry about being surprised by the unexpectable. Just carry on expecting the unexpectable, regardless of the implicated chaos. Create instability as the essence of your strategy. Keep in mind: a more volatile external environment requires a less stable internal world. Seek out substitutes and opportunities to increase productivity by measuring the mass used in your business today, and getting it to decrease every year. Respond with more rapid and varied adaptation.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 27 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Conduct thousands of tests of products, prices, features, packages, marketing channels, credit policies, account management, customer service, collections, and retention. Make informed but subjective judgments. Push ahead before the competition could catch up. Seize the opportunity?even when not really prepared.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 28 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Empower talented people. Accelerate talented people very quickly, because that?s where you get the value. Place bets on future values. Cross boundaries, change jobs, and form new teams to meet evolving needs. Align with the business. Use good economic judgment. Be flexible. And be empathetic to your colleagues.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 29 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)It?s okay to break the rules in the right way. Going around doing randomly disconnected things. Develop all the peripheral relationships you need to be effective organizationally. Manage the connections rather than the structure. Also know how to hybridize.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 30 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Reach out to others with corresponding roles across the organization to learn and share ideas. Move around and support your colleagues when needed. Enable innovation by bringing DIVERSE elements together. Without these kinds of connections, DIVERSITY has little inherent value.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 31 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners) Empower others and yourself by the whole chaotic percolation of ideas at the bottom of the organization. Bear in mind: Empirical evidence, based on small tests, always carried the day. Attract very bright people with initial proof of concept, then plug them into your organizational structure.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 32 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Maintain common interfaces and cross-functional capabilities that allow work to flow and value chains to talk to teach other. Harvest the idea, then propagate it wildly before the mimicry of competition sets in.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 33 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Employ diversification to spread their risks. Be willing to take the risk of shaping the future according to your own design. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, but don put all your eggs in one basket. Beware of this: Discontinuities, irregularities, and volatilities seem to be proliferating. Remember: Without risks, life poses no mystery.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 34 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Seed, select, amplify, and destabilize the situation are the two management ideas for accelerated evolution. Don?t expect a perfect feedback system in a volatile environment. Don?t be excellent at doing; be excellent at changing, too. Dwight D. Eisenhower, speaking of leadership, said: ?The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.?Posted by Andres Agostini at September 11, 2005 06:56 PMSALLY HELGESEN ?September 12, 2005 12:29 PMAny car manufacturer today must pay attention to the granularity of details. Zillion details. In learning a lesson from the Japanese, they may just have to assimilate a key feature. The feature of being grandiosely minimalist to have the empowering capability to work out any nano-detail (macro-flaw), regardless of its size. Getting the inspiration and the OUTCOMES from MBWA (Managing By Wandering Around) and remembering ?A Passion for Excellence?? The zeitgeist (the spirit of the time) has changed the weltanschauung (worldview). Many people ?allegedly empowered with the highest education? speak about, as an example, the chaos. They, nonetheless, don?t know how to tackle it as a practical manner. They entertain the idea in theirs minds and the more the idea gets entertained, the most become in dire straits, the ?supposed-to-be? incumbent or the ?alleged? practitioners.Many have the intellectual capital but a great percentage doesn?t wish to make that specific resource productive and competitive. Almost as if they were expecting someone else to make the effort on their behalf so that they can ?collect? the fruits later on. Fully empowered with knowledge, expertise, dexterities, experience but WITHOUT A TASK-ORIENTED SOUL? How many characters like these does one know? Many, too many! A great number of them in key tenures at important corporations. Regardless of the intellectual capital and their desired not to make a progress, HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR FACES WHEN AN OUTSIDER COMES ALONG WITH A BETTER AND BIGGER (IN-DETAIL) PLAN?Incidentally, What if Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Bell Labs, Los Alamos Laboratories and other R&D plus Centers for Business Innovation will grow, as an illustration, green, premium gasoline (with out the petroleum industry) from molecules and bacteria by applying nanotechnology and biotechnology? HAVE YOU THOUGHT OUT A SCENARIO OF LAB-MADE GASOLLNE TO AUTOMOBILES WITHOUT THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY? Don?t they already make some sort of alcohol or diesel (motor fuel) out com crops in the U.S.? I know there are so many alternative fuels (nitrogen cells, gas, biomass, hybrids) and sources of energy. I have read these great organizations ?along with many other? will make the new technological wave in 9 to 10 years, making the ?Molecular Technology? be a reality as Meyer, Davis and Davis tell us. These authors (Meyer, Davis and Davis) in ?IT?S ALLVE? tell us that some scientists are growing com plants? What do they not harvest? Com. WHAT DO THEY HARVEST? AFFIRMATIVE RESPONSE: PLASTIC-BASED POLYMER. Will this have an impact on carmakers themselves? I wonder. Consistently, I wish to share a Dr. Richard P. Feynman?s thought: ?We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on.?The upcoming is Part 3. I will here continue to venture some ideas, principles or tenets (label it as you wish) that a corporate manager (trans-leadership exerciser) may wish to consider. These are ideas to be applied by business settings (here ?creative tension? has been invited to exercise mind expansion). Between one idea and the other, the reader is the only one who makes the connection. Some are to be understood metaphorically ones, others are literarily. NOTA BENE: This is a call of business re-imagination. As follows:SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 35 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Explore the extremes, where nonlinear effects kick in. Sometimes, the extremes contain pleasant, nonlinear surprises. Imagine things that engender loyalty towards your organization. Through experimentation with detailed measurements and discipline and logical analysis, you find profitable innovations.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 36 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Test things at the bottom of the organization that lead to big insights. Test, experiment, measure, and optimize. Institute hard-core analytic optimization. Architect your entire infrastructure to operate in real time. Let your account-management programs to be driven by experimentation.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 37 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Dream up programs that might be of value to customers, and then test them. A successful test often triggers other behaviors, and you should follow these with more new offers. Shift to roll-out, because ah of a sudden your competition get a preponderance of one product of my organization that they?ve never seen before.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 38 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Have a free flow of resources to where the value is. Rather than penalizing people who fail, praise them for their commitment and intentions. Reinforce the tolerance of risk and failure. Revise your best practices. Observe, orient, decide, act. First to fight now means first to learn.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 39 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Fly great distances, meet new people, and encounter new ideas. Have a freedom of thought, the passion for experimentation, and the desire to imagine your future. Believe in not commonly believed opinions.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 40 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)It?s about getting more from less. That?s the true road to wealth. Focus on changes, challenges, and opportunities. Earn more while spending less. Reach a higher level of output. Pursue profit maximization. Remain competitive. Adapt to revolutionary innovations in technology and business efficiency the soonest. Craft value creating relationships. Establish guidelines, offer insight, and provide inspiration. Identify, analyze, and maximize your learning opportunities.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 42 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Evaluate, identify, select, negotiate, manage, turn around, govern, implement, anticipate, and ensure success. Generate immediate cost savings. Realize a cash infusion from the sale of assets. Relieve the burden of staffing.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 43 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Be freer to direct your attention to the more strategic aspects of your job. Keep your logic compelling.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 44 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Destabilize in order to live closer to the edge of chaos. This means being agile enough to change as the environment does, but not so fluid as to lose its defining structure. Walk the walk as well as talking the talk of the Adaptive Enterprise.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 45 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)A lesson: The word adaptation describes the interaction between an organism and its environment.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 46 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)TO BEAR IN MIND! But one thing an evolutionary and ecological perspective tells us for sure: If several major forces are at work, they will not progress in separate straight lines ?they will interact chaotically, creating unforeseen changes.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 47 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Be willing to adapt very quickly, to pounce on an opportunity when you see it, to change the organization, to think about new developments, and to be always very open to any change in any direction.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 48 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)You have to be the equivalent of selective forces in nature, which calls for a willingness to let people in the organization to explore, to flourish and develop.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 49 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Separate to promote independence, selfish thinking, and local solutions. Learn from each other?s mistakes and successes, and you?ll get better and be able to operate at a much more accelerated pace, based upon the knowledge that has been transferred.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 50 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Get your organization into a massive amount of knowledge and experience that creates a great breeding stock for subsequent ventures.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 51 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Explore continually evolving technology and applications, while also creating different units to exploit commercial opportunities not always closely related to the founding capabilities.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 52 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Replenish customers on demand. Take the client as an agent, and create an agent-based point of view.PS: Tom, thank you for your work. In the positive side and in my case, it is impossible not to get my minded over stimulated while reading you. Beyond that, you communicate to make the reader wish more (to research withoutlimits). Thanks.Posted by Andres Agostini at September 12, 2005 12:29 PMSTUFFED!September 14, 2005 01:47 PMIf they just didn?t get the MBWA (Managing by Wandering Around) way of ?thinking and acting before? and if they don?t wish to get on the ?RE-IMAGINE approach?, AMONG MANY OTHERS, they just might desire to read some words of good judgment. Dakota tribal wisdom ?as an example? says that when you discover you?re on a dead horse (worn-out weltanschauung), the best strategy is to dismount (to admit that creatively rethinking through your business is your next approach to get a new, practical mindset).A part of the Re-Imagine methodology (I also call it ?TransLeadership?) is to get your intangibles and tangibles ?as per your core-business? to (be):1.- Servitize.2.- Productize.3.- Webify.4.- Outsource (strategically ?cross? sourcing).5.- Relate your core business to ?molutech? (molecular technology).NOTE 1: Surf dogmas; evade sectarian doctrines.GE?s ?workout,? incidentally, had four primary goals (in case a reader is interested):A.- To build trust.B.- To empower employees.C.- To eliminate unnecessary work.D.- To create a new paradigm for GE, a ?boundaryless? organization.Then, GE?s ?workout? must be upped to next (illogical) logical step, which adds zillion serendipitous actions to enhance such a ?workout,? adapting it to your specific framework.NOTE 2: ??to a level of process excellence that will produce (as per GE?s product standards) fewer than four defects per million operations?? ? Jack Welch (1998).NOTE 3: ??PROBABLE IMPOSSIBILLITES are to be preferred (NOW) to improbable possibilities?.? E Aristotle.NOTE 4: ?If all forms of arts aspire to be like musical forms of science aspire to be like mathematical.? ?George Santayana.COMMENTARY ON NOTE 4: To be creative in the battlefield TODAY will require the concurrent application of science (based in silico, multidimensional mathematics), and arts plus political intelligence.WHAT TO ATTEMPT TO BE SUCCESSFULLY CREATIVE?I.- Plan and execute many ?futures? (plausible ones not). Engage in serious, actionable scenario planning.II.- Empower your team and yourself with ADVANCED RISK MANAGEMENT. This is a sine qua non.III.- While bearing in mind the aforementioned ?I? and ?II,? take SERENDIPITY into your daily Creativity Agenda. Learn from mistake. Learn from failure. Lear from the magnitude of effort deployed to make serendipity around the fastest and the most fruitful. Learn from your own experiments ?PATTERNS.? Learn from your industries trends. Learn about other industry?s trends. Learn from the as-of-now society trends. LEAM THE UNLEAMABLE.THINK AND ACT UNSYMMETRICAL. Place narrative and numerical data into a data-mine system. Transform data into information. Convert information into knowledge and then into profit. The imminent is Part 5. I will here keep on to venture some ideas, principles or tenets (label it as you wish) that a corporate manager (trans-leadership exerciser) may wish to consider. These are ideas to be applied by business settings (here ?creative tension? has been invited to exercise mind expansion). Between one idea and the other, the reader is the only one who makes the connection. Some are to be understood metaphorically ones, others are literarily. NOTA BENE: This is a call of business re-making (extreme makeover). As follows:SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 77 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Seek the hidden. De-learn the learned. Make the covert overt. Implement ipso facto.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 78 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)De-peril your risks. Empower your financial risks to work for you. Hire them; get resigned from your bricks-and-mortars (a future not plausible).SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 79 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Plan, lead, and manage.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 80 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Understand your business depth today. Develop better ways to service your enterprise in the future.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 81 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Before ?outsourcing,? NOW ?Worldwide Sourcing? or ?Competitive Sourcing?.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 82 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Have fewer staff and run a lean operation. Favor those who leverage third-party relationships that don?t tie up capital and consume resources.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 83 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Strategically enhance your organization?s core competencies. Address any outstanding issue with your employees, unions, and the community. Find the lowest total cost or best value.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 84 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Recognize impact on internal operations. Capture the big picture.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 85 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Track benefits, realize quick wins, and motivate critical stakeholders to remain committed.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 86 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Early anticipation of changes can drastically reduce the time and cost of addressing them. Seek the quick win(that long forgotten in an ignored ?but mission-critical? flank).SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 87 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Research assiduously which of the available external market capabilities fit best with your strategic objectives.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 88 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Articulate these management principles more precisely, implement them more systematically, and rely less on the intuition of a few gifted leaders. Don?t write strategy, GROW IT. Don?t think in terms of maximizing your share of the market but of maximizing your share of experience. Build an innovation laboratory capable of creating a steady stream of the new ideas to stay ahead of the competition.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 89 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Differentiate or die. Be mindful that improvisation is too important to be left to the fortuitous. Consider that life is sustainable through the unperceived and those universal laws that are unknown to us. Continuity is over-dead; it hasn?t yet reincarnated. History will be reshaped by the sudden and sharp change, namely ?frenzy volatility.?SUCCESS PRINCIPLE / TENET # 90 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)Launch your employees with confidence into a somewhat chaotic environment, knowing that they will direct themselves toward optimal performance to success. Instill in the staff a loose, self-organizing culture?in search of new opportunities. Motivate and develop others to learn to change to prevail. Sharing ideas, ??an eye is not an eye because you see it; an eye is an eye because it sees you?? ?Antonio Machado.Posted by Andres Agostini at September 14, 2005 01:47 PMCOMMENTS: BEST FIRST JOBJanuary 13, 2006 11:05My first job was at a mortgage bank. I then had to make a detailed ?data base? of ah loans granted for this end since the bank got incorporated. My boss back then was respectful and supportive. It was a good opportunity to get started in the practical matters in times when your actual experience (to be applied) is minimal. With this job as with any other job, I have encountered a great opportunity to learn as I get paid. Regardless if you work for an employer or on your own, any professional responsibility is a major opportunity to enhance your professional abilities. Any way, in life you develop new dexterities and skills as your professional life gets more complex. And due to the nature of technological change as it increases at a quantum rate today, one is exposed to many industries and hence to many different ways to re-imagine not quick fixes but fundamental solutions to ever-increasing, intertwined, intricate problems posed by this business world of ?ours.? The first job is the step you make when you go from theory to the real world for the first time. It offers you the possibility to have a solid job as a reference on your résumé so you?re not perceived as a ?rookie? forever. Some would say that it does not matter how expert one is, because one is always learning (and de-learning the old and re-learning the new) so he is a rookie even when he gets closer to retirement. This first job is a milestone that allows you to walk a long ascending pathway full of obstacles. ?Obstacles? is another word for enhancement opportunities of dexterities and skills. When your skills and dexterities get enhanced ?thanks to that first job?your portfolio of advancement options gets broader. I have the strong opinion that being exposed to many professional responsibilities gets you the largest vista. It somehow gets you into the infancy of ?systems thinking.? Without the ?first job? and the updating of oneself is not possible to get so globally sophisticated. Without global sophistication one gets precluded from the (global) economy. One has now to think ?beyond beyond.? A great deal of ?future practicing? and foresight enactment to improve your scenario planning will not suffice. One needs to be working every second on his ?personal capital? for good.Posted by Andres Agostini at January 13, 2006 11:05SOLUTION TO MY SOLUTION ISSUE, PLEASE!January 13, 2006 03:34Thank you for posting this interesting subject matter and inquiring on it. Yes, it seems that when one has an already ?packaged? (defined/designed) product/service to a client, he/she may say ?this is too good to be true.? Without the provider?s violating its copyright and trademarks, it has been proven useful to get the product closer to the client?s ethos and ethnology. This?by no means?will represent any damage either to the client or to the provider. First and foremost, the solution must be defined by a major discussion (friendly and professional conversation at once) between the client and the ?provider.? Who can provide the ?solution? must pay huge attention to a number of things ([1]details and [2] the granularity of details from the ?systems? stance), (a) What the client is saying, (b) What the client is saying between lines, (c) What the client is not saying but as per the provider is crucial to get to the solution, (d) What the client might inadvertently, un-deliberately be distorting in the ?core message,? (e) If the client is exuding some type of fear. The provider, in my opinion, must also pay attention to (i) connotations, (u) semantics, and (iii) contexts. These three aspects are increasingly important as technology growth is more ?rampant? and as (would-be) ?collaborative? environments are more diverse and dynamic. Any noise must be identified and taken away from THE TRUE, UNAMBIGUQUS SIGNAL(S). Often the client?s message can be a problem if it is cumbersome. Occasionally it is superficially awkward but sufficiently daring for the provider to have a migraine. One has to understand the culture of the organization. Regardless of the culture of the organizations, each one has his/her own personal cosmology without a fail. Both must be respected and considered at the same time to succeed. But one must also understand the ?psychology? of the client?s official making the request. Sometimes the provider is using ?analog words? (similar parlance) as those of the client. The client gets, anyway, so angry and sometimes offended because the provider didn?t use the exact words he/she likes or prefers the most. The more complex the topic under discussion ?regardless of your ?educating? the client?the better off the provider will be if he/she tries to explain the solution with the client?s vocabulary. For providers this might prove to be challenging. But any provider must ?bridge any gap? between its product/service and the client?s requirement. It is good to pay maximum attention to the ?body language? of the client?s official as well. Having ?ice-breaking? dialogues in other settings outside the formal ?business-like? one is often crucial to understand (empathy) the person. Facilitating a client a ?business-based breakfast? has offered me an ?extraordinary clue? to get back to the business-like setting with a greater understanding of what the client?s official is trying to tell (request/expect from me). Whenever possible, it is key to ask questions about the requirement/expectations to the people under and above the client?s official to try to gain a more illuminating (discerned) insight. Anyway, to me a ?solution? is in no way a ?quick fix? but a ?fundamental, optimum solution.?A more fundamental solution is even a more holistic one, especially when it is practiced/rendered systematically. Some people mistakenly associate ?solutions? (optimum) to ?quick fixes? (sub-optimum). Every company not only has its own culture. It also posses a ?defined glossary,? by means of which they interrelate within and beyond the organization?s boundaries. If a provider can use this defined glossary, the psychological connection will be better. In advance, the provider can tell the client that ?as metaphor(s) or a ?clean cut? communicational resource?and in order to be more effective, he/she will use some of the company?s language with great respect. This can save time, money, headaches, and clients. Quite often?as of these current times impose? is becoming almost impossible not to see someone ?engaging in a confrontational debate.? I would do always my best to make it an amicable, ?fluid? dialogue to get the win/win (optimum) results in due place and timely.Posted by Andres Agostini at January 13, 2006 03:34SCALE LIMITS? ?BUILT TO LAST??January 14, 2006 05:21 PMThis has been a generalized issue for a long time, organizational ?Scale Limits,? especially since enterprises went global indeed. I believe some new criteria have not been instituted, because some universal laws are yet unknown to us (up to now). Nonetheless, there is some interesting data. Lord John Browne, group chief executive of British Petroleum, an applied physicist, structured BP as an atomic system with its stemming sub-atomic systems. What Browne did is to me quite some novelty to consider. Incidentally, he is also a ?non-executive director of the Intel Corporation.? To make a point on the ?Scale Limits? and as per the book ?Presence,? ?... Not many people realize it, but VISA INTEMATIONAL IS ARGUABLY THE LARGEST BUSINESS IN THE WORLD, WITH OVER $ 3 TRILLLON IN TRANSACTIONS AND A MARKET VALUE APPROACHING A TRILLLON. Yet to many it doesn?t even look like a business. It?s organized as a self-governing network of more than twenty thousand member institutions that are also its owners. It?s governed by a constitution that stipulates how governing boards are elected, the rights and obligations of members, how new members are admitted, and how members can be disqualified. In short, one of the world?s largest corporations operates as a self-governing democracy...The genetic code became Visa?s purpose and principles, its governing ideas, and the core governance processes spelled out in its constitution. The subsequent work of prototyping and institutionalizing took over four years, but in the end Visa International was formed, more or less in its current form....?I believe it is quite interesting to bear in mind the Visa International case. I don?t see its geometric growth slowing down any soon. In order to address the ?scale limits? hurdle(s) very differently, it may be easier to tackle the grave ?corporate governance and concurrent risks? à la Visa?s Magna Carta perspective. The ?Scale Limits? issue has many angles. Clearly a talented-leadership (shared throughout any organization) will be essential along with STRONG VALUES (applied ones). A remedy to this challenge is to concentrate on deepening a strategic position, rather than broadening and compromising it. One approach is to look for extensions of the strategy that leverage the existing activity system by offering features or services or advantages that competitors would find unattainable or expensive to match on a stand-alone basis.Put differently, managers can ask themselves which activities, features, or forms of competition are feasible or less costly to them because of supplementary activities that their organization performs. Deepening a strategic position requires making the firm?s activities more unique, strengthening fit, and communicating the strategy per se better to those clients who ought to value it. Leadership vested with strong values will be irrelevant if innovation (creativity) is not thoroughly redefined, instituted and implemented. I am speaking of the type of creativity that transfers breakthroughs through what I would call ?BlP? (Business Innovation Processes). I would not recommend anyone wait for the Technological Singularity ?just to happen,? acknowledging that everybody has his/her free will to decide whatever. Do we have in the business environment any pre-Singularity events already signaling us? Are we paying attention to any disconfirming evidence? This is not a happening. This is long-term, on-going, persistent effort that leads to an unimaginable ?conquest.? To me we must redefined the term ?unprecedented,? since its ?core meaning? won?t suffice shortly. Having biotechnology and nanotechnology collaborating with each other and irrupting in our Era, seemingly towards the Convergence of Science as per many respected authors and researchers, What could ?MOLUTECH? do to eradicate the organizational ?Scale Limits?? What are its opportunities? What are the risks? How do we subtract the risks from the opportunities? I just wonder.Posted by Andres Agostini at January 14, 2006 05:21 PMSOLUTIONS TO MY SOLUTION ISSUE, PLEASE! [PART 2]January 19, 2006 05:54 PMWhen looking at getting a client the right solution, one must appeal to many tools (often concurrently). Storytelling is?without a doubt?one of those efficacious tools as per infinite authors, more so when the story is absolutely accurate. How many times we have seen managers and entrepreneurs and public officials using the baseball parlance to explain a difficult situation. To get the story conveyed is not meant for getting anyone amused Can added value), although sometimes this is impossible to preclude. Maybe a story developed between Madrid and Spain back to the time of World War II might result useful to sample creativity to landing a ?solution.? One thing the Spaniards got from the British was the ?soccer.? The people of Spain never got a lesson/interest on how to play ?cricket.? The latter is a very British sport, extended to some few countries; none of them were ?Romanic? countries. At that time, Spain was immersed in a Civil War. My friend, some more years older than me, had a curiosity for a ?weird? subject, namely reinsurance. Reinsurance is ?the insurance of insurance,? in exceedingly plain words. Back then, speaking of reinsurance in Madrid was quite a novelty. They knew that there was ?something? known as ?Lloyd?s of London,? considered (at that time) the epicenter for the seemingly awkward activity. My friend?s father (a visionary) said that he would send him to London to learn about reinsurance. My friend finally went there. When he got the closest to Lloyd?s, he found out that people dealing there was not friendly to ?unknown? people. They were extremely specialized and focused only among themselves. He got rejected upfront systematically. No one at Lloyd?s was expecting to deal (?to place reinsurance treaties?) with a foreigner. My friend did not get discouraged at all. In the mean time, he noted that the British ?loved? playing cricket. And then he found out that he liked cricket also. He was getting to like a ?foreign sport.? Subsequently, he went to a London bookstore and bought everything he could on cricket and reinsurance. He just wanted to have an awesome grasp/command of this sport. Even more ?weirdly,? he noted that many Lloyd?s reinsurance company representatives were attending to a great deal of cricket games. He then decided to become a pundit in two areas, first and foremost in reinsurance (and as per the British standards). Secondly, he wanted to know everything on cricket. Subsequently, he knew that he needed to make a bridge between both. That is, to be able to speak about reinsurance using as many as possible cricket references/metaphors. For the Lloyd?s reinsurance company representatives it was (at least) ridicule to expect to have a foreigner speak about such a complex matter as reinsurance. But, having said foreigner speaking about reinsurance through logical cricket parlance?while making a great deal of sense?made my friend a ?British hero.? Then he passed the exam (that of society and that of one elite organization that I highly respect and admire). Then he became legendary. His personal name got to be a ?brand? not only in London, but also in Madrid and in Latin Americas most important capitals. Speaking/dealing about insurance was relatively easy in Spain and Latin America in those days. Speaking (and having the London connections) about reinsurance was so stressful, and perceived as a miracle that would never come true. Let?s remember this era was around the end of WWII. From there on, my friend was a reinsurance ?guru? (with truly powerful connections and financial affluence) not only in Spain and Latin America, but also in London and sometimes as well in the U.S. Tom has always spoken about disseminating ideas (through the Internet). I wanted to offer this story as a contribution to his ?creativity.?Posted by Andres Agostini at January 19, 2006 05:54 PMBEST FOOD-FOR-THOUGHT LINESBY GARY HAMEL, London Business School Professor, and Strategos Chairman/Co-Founder:I am no longer a captive to history. Whatever I can imagine, I can accomplish.I am no longer a vassal in a faceless bureaucracy. I am an activist, not a drone.I am no longer a foot soldier in the march of progress.I am a Revolutionary!
Andres Agostini
(Ich Bin Singularitarian!)